Stater Bros headquarters is located in San Bernardino, California. Stater Bros weekly circular contains sales ads and offers that provide you with exclusive shopping deals. While a visit to Stater Bros’ official website would grant you instant access to its shopping platform, accessing its brochures would require the use of its walk-in outlets distributed across the country.

Whether you are looking to enjoy the remarkable thrill attached to online grocery shopping or making a walk-in into a shopping outlet is your preferred shopping style, Stater Bros should be your final shopping destination. Smith is the current CEO and Chairman of the Stater Bros enterprise. Stater Bros generated over $4 billion in revenue in 2015. Stater Bros currently owns more than 171 grocery stores distributed across various states in the US, with over 18,000 employees serving its customers. While Stater Bros built its reputation on grocery items, it is vital to note that Stater Bros once had a SuperRX pharmacy, which it sold out to CVS in 2018. Stater Bros was ranked amongst the Fortune 500 companies in 2006. Stater Bros experienced its largest expansion in 1999 after it gained access to purchase 43 Albertsons supermarkets. An interview with Cleo by the Inland Empire Business press in 1998 Cleo claimed that he borrowed approximately $300 to complete the down payment for the soon to be Stater Bros supermarket. Created in 1936, Stater Bros started as a Yucaipa, a California-based shopping platform founded by twin brothers Cleo and Leo Stater.